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  • Title: Natural water treatment in IRAN

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Natural water softener 5 Mangrove forest protected area is located in Hormozgan province in Iran. The mangrove forest species is one of the features of the ecosystem of the southern coast of Iran, which has appeared sporadically from the Strait of Hormuz to the east and the Indian Ocean, on the coast of Oman. Abu Ali Sina, a great Iranian scientist, called the trees of these forests mangroves and these trees are 3 to 6 meters tall with bright green foliage. Mangrove is a tree that lives in brackish water, which sinks into the water up to its throat during the high tide. With the purifying properties of the bark of this tree, it absorbs the sweet part of the sea water and removes its salt. The mangrove tree is actually a natural desalination plant. One of the strangest natural attractions in the world is this mangrove forest, which goes under the sea with the tide and comes out of the sea with the tide, and this strange phenomenon is repeated every six hours. The mangrove forest is also known as the marine forest because the mangrove plant is compatible with salty water because it can purify the salty water and use it for its growth. In fact, tree bark has purifying properties, that is, tree bark turns salt water into fresh water. It should be noted that the area of ​​the marine mangrove forest is about 9000 hectares